Vertical Focus

AI in Manufacturing

Empowering manufacturing businesses with AI for enhanced efficiency and sustainable growth.

Innovate and Adapt

Future-Ready Manufacturing

Manufacturing industry is transforming using AI in almost all business functions including product design, business and operative processes, marketing and CRM. While robotics, automation and ERP systems brought efficiency and effectiveness into systems, AI will bring enterprise (new opportunities) and evolution (addressing disruption with adaptation) for sustainable growth for manufacturing businesses.

Have you thought about using AI for some of these processes in your manufacturing business?

Predictive Maintenance

By 2027, AI-driven systems will be adopted by 85% of manufacturers, reducing equipment downtime by 40%.

AI-Robot Collaboration

By 2027, AI-powered robots will be used by 90% of manufacturers, enhancing efficiency and safety.

Quality Control

By 2027, AI vision systems will be used by 80% of manufacturers, increasing inspection accuracy by 60%.

AI-Powered Decision Making

By 2027, AI tools will improve budgeting and performance evaluation efficiency by 70%.

Ready to Pilot Your Business with AI?

Transform your manufacturing business with AI-driven marketing and automation solutions.
Predictive Maintenance

Using AI to analyze sensor/machine data to predict/auto-correct equipment and machinery failures, preventing downtime and significantly saving admin costs, time, labor, and other resources for your core maintenance process.

Robotic Automation

Take your robotic automation to the next level with AI-powered robots - collaborating with machines, data systems, engineers and operators for all manufacturing processes including assembly, improving efficiency and safety.

Quality Control

Enhance your quality systems with AI vision technology, inspecting products with greater accuracy and speed. Achieve unparalleled efficiency and precision in quality control, ensuring your products meet the highest standards.

Ready to Pilot Your Business with AI?

Transform your manufacturing business with AI-driven marketing and automation solutions.

As we step into a fast disrupting, evolving and transforming business economy globally, looking at short term security and protectionism could become your biggest long term threat. It's time to Probe, Pivot, Pilot...