
Google Paradigm Shift

Advancements in AI are impacting traditional search and discoverability, and where new opportunities lie for businesses.

Impact, Disruption & Transformation
Integration of Generative AI

AI-powered conversations leading to answers over search.

Decline in Click-Through Rates

Organic link click-through rates are expected to drop by 15-25%.

Evolution of SEO Content Strategy

Focus shifts on stringent on Google's E-E-A-T guidelines.

Paid Search Adjustments

Increased competition and cost in ad auctions impacting ROI.

Long-Term Trends (2024-2026)

Further disruptions and impacts due to generative AI awaited.

Retention, Relevancy & Dominance
AI and Machine Learning

Search accuracy, relevancy, and user experience remains in focus.

YouTube and Video Content

Multi modal search (text, video, audio) gains prominence.

Leadership in Voice Search

Linguistic and vocal conversations simplify and strengthen search.

Blogging and Podcasts

Content diversity and influence bring brand validation.

Google Business Profiles

Leverage Google's omni-channel platforms for all-round growth.

Ready to Pilot Your Business with AI?

Transform your business with AI-driven marketing and automation solutions.

Top 5 Areas AI Impacts, Disrupts & Transforms Google

Integration of Generative AI

AI-powered snapshots and conversational modes answer complex queries directly. As a result, we are beginning to see reduction traditional link-based search results. That is traffic drop on your website. How are you addressing this aspect? How does AI synthesize information from multiple sources?

User Input

"Am looking to buy a new car for my family. I have four children aged 3 to 12 and two pets one golden retriever and a siberian husky?"

Complex, multi-faceted query.
AI Query Processing

Identifies key elements like "new car," "families with children" and "pets"

Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand the query context
Data Retrieval

Retrieves data from car review sites, family forums, and user-generated content

Search multiple databases and sources web pages, product reviews, research papers, forums, and social media posts simultaneously.
Information Synthesis

Combines expert reviews, user feedback, and technical specifications.

Aggregation of data from diverse sources. Filtering and prioritization based on relevance and quality.
AI-Generated Summary

A summary of the best car brands considering safety, space, and child pet-friendliness.

Creation of a concise, informative snapshot.
Presentation to User

Summary includes key points and direct links to detailed reviews and product pages.

Display of AI-generated summary with links/citations to original content sources (only as applicable and per Google policy).

Decline in Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Organic link click-through rates are expected to drop by 15-25%. Observing this change on your websites already? What is your strategy to address this? Users find answers directly in AI-generated summaries.

Evolution of SEO and Content Strategy

Focus on diverse content types (videos, podcasts) and meeting E-E-A-T guidelines. Multi-modal and Omni-Channel user engagement just got a big boost. Are you aligning around this? Need for high-quality, relevant, and engaging content.

Pre-AI Era

Keywords, Backlinks, Meta Tags Content Quantity Mobile Optimization

Early AI Integration

Quality Content, User Experience, Conversational Search

Advanced AI Integration

AI Content Optimization, E-E-A-T, Multimedia Content

Mature AI Integration

Real-Time Personalization, Voice Search, Technical SEO

2026 & Beyond
Future of SEO

AI Dominance, Trust and Authority, Dynamic Content

Advertising and Paid Search Adjustments

Fewer ads above the fold in AI search results. Increased competition and cost in ad auctions. This will evolve and impact further as Google tests environments and market impacts in the coming weeks and months. Its time to redo your paid marketing approach from scratch to optimize your paid marketing budgets. Here's a line graph comparing the average number of ad placements above the fold in traditional search versus AI-enhanced search from 2023 to 2026. The graph shows a decrease in traditional search ads and a gradual increase in AI-enhanced search ads over the years. ​​



AI-driven personalization is reducing the dependency on traditional Google Search for information discovery.


AI-driven personalization is reducing the dependency on traditional Google Search for information discovery.

Paid Search

Moving to high-purchase intent, growing competitiveness, and expensive. Likely integration with Gemini.

Paid Search

Moving to high-purchase intent, growing competitiveness, and expensive. Likely integration with Gemini.

Voice Search

Google Voice Search's potential grows as it better interprets conversational, long-tail user queries.

Voice Search

Google Voice Search's potential grows as it better interprets conversational, long-tail user queries.


Vital for maintaining online brand position through search signals like reviews and buying intent searches.


Vital for maintaining online brand position through search signals like reviews and buying intent searches.

Top 5 Areas Where Google Retains Its Relevancy and Dominance

Integration of AI and Machine Learning

Google’s policy focuses on enhancing search accuracy, relevancy, and user experience. While it provides comprehensive and contextual answers through features like the Search Generative Experience (SGE), it will also want to integrate publisher’s content and business models in their conversation models (including ecommerce) as well as encourage users to look at “expert” content through reference links and citations from Gemini results.

Dominance in YouTube and Video Content

YouTube continues to dominate the video space through its vast user base and content library. A multi-modal integration with other Google properties and AI, content outreach and engagement levels will remain high. We anticipate an organic search pivot by users from text to video content.

Influence in Blogging and Podcasts

Text content will remain important and hence platforms like Blogger and integrations with podcast services strengthen content diversity (multi-modal and omni-channel). Enhanced indexing and searchability of blog posts and podcasts improve discoverability, outreach based on content expertise.

Strength in Local Reviews, Business Profiles, and Shopping

Local Business remains a key highlight for Google especially with its location and maps-based business models. Google Business Profile, Google Shopping Graph, Google News, etc enhance search, comparison and accessibility capabilities.


Dominant video platform (until AI disrupts it). Leverage for branding, traffic, and audience engagement.


Continued relevance for AI and user engagement. Content repurposed for AI feeds, user engagement, and with intent. Content for pure user search is diminishing.


Growing market replacing informational searches and is trackable for Google's E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness).

Business Profile

Using Google business profile for content marketing boosts visibility and search relevance, enhanced by Google's generative AI.

The Rise of Conversational AI


Conversational AI: Content optimization for AI. Create content specifically for AI consumption and keep it updated for future AI updates.

API Access: Build our bot around Gemini APIs for leveraging Google rankings signals.

Google Local

Leveraging Location

  • Emphasis on Google Business Profile and Google Maps
  • Importance for location-based searches
  • Adding value through updates, posts, and products
Google Shopping
A Tactical Approach Maintaining a minimal Google Shopping presence can still benefit your brand and search ranking signals.

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